
Anonymous Story: It Does Get Better

6 years ago, I was raped by someone I had just broken it off with because he was abusive. He found out about a party I was having and came to it, asked to speak to me in front of my house away from my party, dragged me to his car and raped me. Because of how abusive he was I hid in my home for weeks. I found out I was pregnant and told him so that he would pay for the abortion but he didn’t. He stalked me to a different state for the next year and a half, to the point where he started dating my roommate to get into my apartment when I wasn’t there. I never reported him and still see him around my area from time to time. I failed out of college my senior year because I was dealing with PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I still deal with all of them today. My whole life got derailed for 6 years. I’ve finally started to get a hold on things but just last Thursday the person I was working for sexually assaulted me on my last day. My PTSD has kicked in all over again. It takes time but it does get better.

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If you or someone you know is struggling with anything you have read in this blog, reach out to us at Sercle Inc. We believe that we can support you toward a positive outcome by providing access to virtual and/or in-person therapies addressing underlying psychological trauma through our global directory and our safe, online community platform. Allow us to help you find the path to realistic, long-lasting recovery. For more information, reach out today: info@sercleinc.com

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