
Anonymous Story: I Was The Prey

I was sexually molested, by my neighbor’s daughters – a set of girl twins. I was 8 when they started. I think it was because they hit puberty, being that they were older and all. All I knew was I liked the feeling I had around them. They didn’t know anything about sex. I believe they were just after the same feeling. We had this other neighbor who lived downstairs, a guy, who eventually brought us to the knowledge of how sex works via porn.

His actual intent was to get the twins to have ideas in their heads and take advantage of them. This worked, just not with him. He lived downstairs, I lived upstairs with them. I was the prey. Even after watching porn, I still didn’t understand, but they did. What I didn’t realize was penetration isn’t as easy when it’s your first time.

I remember a particular scene vividly. I was home, can’t remember why because I was alone. I have a younger brother; my mum probably went out with him. They knew, so one of the twins came in first. We had just finished watching porn downstairs for like the first time and she was horny. At least now I know what to call it.

Trying to make my penis penetrate her wasn’t all that fun. She couldn’t understand why it wasn’t going in but she kept trying regardless. It was painful, she even tried her butthole. Her sister came, and knocked on the door (which the first twin locked when she came in, imagine being locked in, in my own home). So the second twin knocked and knocked, twin 1 was trying to ignore her because she knew why she was knocking, but I didn’t.

Eventually, she opened the door and twin 2 said their mother supposedly needed her to do something. They both left, but twin 2 returned a few minutes later. And I was a tool, once again. There were nights when we’d be sneaking around outside, while everyone else was asleep. This went on till I was 11, we moved out. So, new apartment, new environment. I didn’t know I had been scarred.

At 14, I wasn’t little, wasn’t skinny, wasn’t big, but I was growing fast. So fast I didn’t realize when puberty hit because I didn’t know what it was. It even affected me academically, but that’s another story. So, new neighbors. I don’t know how she knew, but she knew I was growing fast, down there. Maybe it was the boxers I usually wore to go out whenever I was indoors. On the day everything changed, I was home, not alone this time. So, I was bored and stepped out to get some fresh air.

She saw me pass, she had a visitor, they must’ve been 17. He invited me in, and said they were seeing a movie “good luck charm” and it was fun. I went in. It had multiple sex scenes, but no penises or vaginas showed. They were so horny. It was so visible. Next thing I knew, I was being humped. I’ve gotta admit, I wanted it to happen, but I didn’t know better. I was being rushed. Two horny girls.

The next thing I knew, my jeans were off and my shirt open. One on my lips and nipples, the other on my penis. I overheard her telling her friend about the size being better than what they’ve had. The other one on my penis wasn’t so good at it because her teeth kept getting in the way. I can remember how much my nipples hurt that day because she kept sucking and using her teeth. Then they tried dry humping, one after the other, I was in so much pain from bruises.

It hurt. I was bruised. I couldn’t tell her to stop. I’d just groan and she’d ask and I’d say nothing. I felt like I was 8 again. The feeling of their panties brushing against the bruise sent sharp pains through my body. I thought they were done when they went in, didn’t know they went to change. They came out with nothing, 5 times that day. I couldn’t pee without trying to hold the wall. The pain I felt that day. It would’ve been 6 because her friend wanted a third too, but my neighbor said no.

Right now, I’m mostly perverted and I’ve got this crazy libido. I have to fight myself whenever a girl comes close or wants to be alone with me. I have to practically warn them they’re coming to see a guy alone and anything can happen.

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