
Anonymous Story: I Thought It Was My Fault

When I was 17, I worked at a popular restaurant and I became friends with pretty much everyone. We all talked and hung out, we were all just young kids. Well one of us ended up talking an older person into buying us a bottle of hypnotic and some wine. While we were cleaning up, my friend and I started drinking even though we were still at work but we had a young supervisor who didn’t care at all. Well, I got pretty drunk, and a guy friend of mine who had not been drinking offered to give me a ride home. On the way home I called my sister and asked if she wanted anything and she said yes so I stopped to get her food. My friend then asked if he could run by his house real fast just to pick up something and I said sure. So, we get to his house and he invited me in and said he had a beer. I was like hell yea and went in. I drank a couple more beers and then the next thing I remember is me begging him to take me home and him saying he can’t because he took some medicine.

I remember calling my sister crying that I just wanted to come home. I couldn’t say where I was because I had no idea, I’d never been to this guy’s house. The next thing I remember is waking up with just my shirt on and feeling completely disgusted with myself, like, I felt ashamed. I had to then proceed to wake this guy up and ask him to take me home. He was pissed off; he was mad at me because I asked him to take me home. He ended up taking me home but was speeding the whole time and almost killed us. So, I get home and I’m pretty shaken up I didn’t want to talk about it and I didn’t want my boyfriend to find out because I felt like it was all my fault for being in that situation. So, I go back and have to work with this guy. Not only that but he told everyone that I and him had sex, btw up until this point I knew it happened but I didn’t want to admit it happened. I never said anything, I let everyone think that it was consensual and not that I was passed out and woke up naked.

Then one night I was working late with his friend and his friend followed me into the walk-in cooler and blocked the door and wouldn’t let me out. I was so scared because he was talking about everything, he wanted to do to me and he was a 24-year-old man. I was shaking, I was scared he was trying to kiss me and I was pushing him off. The only other person there was the dishwasher and he saved me. After that, I never said anything about it but I quit my job with no notice. I never said anything about this to anyone because I thought it was my fault and I felt ashamed.

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