
Anonymous Story: I Can’t Remember Much.

I was raped twice. The first time, I was 7 or 8 years old. My maa had to work for our family so she never really had time to come pick me up from school, my siblings were all in boarding house so it was just me most of the time. My neighbor was the one that picked me up but on that faithful day she sent another person in the neighborhood and I reluctantly went with him. I got home and had to wait at his place until my maa got home. I slept off while waiting and woke up to manly hands around my thighs. I tried to scream but he muzzled my mouth with his hands.

I remember feeling him penetrating me with his fingers, then proceeded with his penis. I cried the whole time and somewhere along the line his brother’s kids walked in and alerted the neighbors. They all gathered and were all raining abuse on the guy, I can’t remember much. My mum got to know about it when she got home. She didn’t say much about it, she only scolded me and said it was my fault, if only I had stayed at home.(mind you, I was always alone at home). I remember feeling everything was my fault. I stopped going out to play for a while because of shame. I swear I was ashamed. “It’s your fault” I always told myself. I got over it alone, it was hard but I did. The guy was arrested after a while for stealing his brother’s properties, so I heard.

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