
Anonymous Story: He Forced Himself On Me

I cheated on the person I loved most.

I was in love with him from last 2 years. We struggled a lot to convince each other’s family to accept our relationship. It was like a dream come true for me when they did. But his behavior started drifting, it was not the same man I fell for…maybe it was due to the acceptance issue from our families, or his workload. Anyways, I wanted to marry him at all cost.

There was another guy in my office, he liked me, but I didn’t feel the same way about him. We were just normal friends. I made it very clear from the beginning that I was about to get married to the love of my life but one day I had a huge fight with the love of my life, he made me feel unwanted and didn’t pick my call for a whole night. I became so vulnerable. I called the other guy, just to catch up for dinner but unfortunately, I got drunk and went to his place. He forced himself on me. Though I was too drunk, I slapped him, but he forcefully touched me in very intimate ways…I got carried away and then he inserted himself inside me, after that he did it again and I couldn’t stop him.

The next morning, he did it again, unfortunately I enjoyed it and then he dropped me home. I felt too guilty, but I was afraid also that he might take it as 1-night stand and tell everyone about it. So, I kept in touch with him. I cried a lot. Gradually he made me feel like he loved me, and I started spending time with him too, Although I knew it was morally wrong, but he made me feel so special that I couldn’t resist, and we went under the sheets several times.

Just few weeks before the wedding my fiancée got to know that I was with someone else, I tried to fix it and apologized but he cancelled the wedding. It’s been 2 years now, I still miss him and regret my actions, but I felt left out and ignored that was why I tried to divert my mind, but it led to physical cheating. Though my ex fiancée didn’t know about the physical thing, he just lost his trust on me and left me.

Now, I am married to someone else, for a year now and a lot happier but still I feel that void sometimes. I miss him, and I love him.

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