
Anonymous Story: A Complete Shadow of Himself

I was abused by my cousin when I was about 3 and it went on until I was about 4. I started playing with my genitals and my uncle told my dad to take me out of my grandparents’ house because it seemed something wasn’t right. I went back home and completely forgot about it for a while but, I became promiscuous. Touching my friends inappropriately, both Male and Female. Well I saw him when I was a teen and he tried to remind me of who he was by touching me again. Can you believe that?

Right now I’m mostly numb. I don’t know how I feel about anything, I’m sure of nothing. I’m mostly confused and don’t know how to act infront of people. I just sit and stare and just pretend nothing is my business. I don’t know why I feel like this, I don’t even know if it’s because of the abuse.

Another story is my friend, a boy, who was sexually abused in secondary school by his seniors. He used to be a happy, social being then all of a sudden became a complete shadow of himself. So dark. So so dark. Always on his own, never sure of anything. Even to smile is a problem. Eventually went on to abuse other boys, really bad, and couldn’t control his urges. Sometimes, one would think he was possessed. I’m still surprised he hasn’t killed himself yet. Maybe he attempted but no one knows. I’m just glad he is getting better, a struggle but he is trying to be a better human being.

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