

Personality Disorders and Addiction

By The Recovery Village | Editor Jonathan StrumMedically Reviewed By Audrey Howitt, JD, LMFT It’s important for people with personality disorders and co-occurring addictions to get treatment for both conditions. Otherwise, recovery can be very difficult. Personality disorders often co-occur with substance use disorder, the clinical term for drug or alcohol addiction. In particular, people with borderline or antisocial personality …

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Some Of The Elements That Influence Secondary Victimization

Secondary victimization is characterized by engagement in victim-blaming attitudes, behaviors, and practices, which result in additional trauma for survivors. Secondary victimization minimizes the significance of a crime, which leads to apathetic and discriminative attitudes. Far-reaching political, legal, and social implications result from these attitudes, ranging from low conviction rates for sexual assault cases, to victims’ hindered …

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Daily Practices To Help You Cope With Depression

There is a range of ways to deal with depression, and often they are best used in conjunction with each other. The primary medical options are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), antidepressant medication, and in some severe cases, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). Education and coping strategies are also important when learning to manage your depression. The symptoms …

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Ways To Treat Learned Helplessness

The theory of learned helplessness has also been applied to many conditions and behaviors, including clinical depression, aging, domestic violence, poverty, discrimination, parenting, academic achievement, drug abuse, alcoholism, politics, and citizens’ reactions to poor governance. Based on learned helplessness, a specific theory was developed for abused spouses/significant others called the theory of cyclic abuse, a …

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Challenging Mental Health Myths and Stereotypes

One of the most discriminatory stereotypes that persist is the incorrect association between mental health problems and violent behavior. People often avoid living or socializing with people with mental health challenges because they assume people with mental health challenges are dangerous and violent. As a result, these individuals often face all sorts of discrimination. Stigma …

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With Coercive Control, the Abuse Is Not Physical but Psychological

UK announced in 2014 that a new domestic abuse offense of “coercive and controlling behavior” was to be introduced, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison – as well as a fine. This was to help victims identify the behavior they are suffering as wrong and encourage them to report it, …

With Coercive Control, the Abuse Is Not Physical but Psychological Read More »

On Triggers: Automatic Reactions To Touch.

Automatic responses rarely occur in isolation. They are more likely to connect with each other so that the survivor experiences a series of uncontrollable responses that can be very inhibiting, and may precipitate a flashback. For example, a survivor might describe responding to her partner greeting her with a hug by feeling sick (a physical …

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