
Sexual Harrassment

Unwanted Arousal During Sexual Assault

Sexual response or orgasm during sexual assault is the best-kept and most deeply shameful secret of many victims and survivors. Unfortunately, some people believe that if a victim experiences arousal while being raped, that person must have enjoyed being raped. Some others believe that arousal is synonymous with consent. However, consent is not given by …

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Testifying in a Rape or Sexual Abuse Trial: What to Expect

For victims of rape, sexual abuse or sexual assault, especially those who are courageous enough to brave the trauma and stigma to bring their case to trial, undergoing the rigors of a trial especially facing their perpetrator and reliving the terrible ordeal, can be quite overwhelming. This is why it is necessary to dispel some …

Testifying in a Rape or Sexual Abuse Trial: What to Expect Read More »

5 Ways to Prevent Harmful Sexual Behaviors in Youth

Here are the five things to do and additional text from ATSA: Each child and adolescent is a unique individual Children and adolescents who engage in harmful sexual behaviors have different motivations, risks, and protective factors as they face different risks, they have different histories, and therefore their need for support systems will be different.  …

5 Ways to Prevent Harmful Sexual Behaviors in Youth Read More »

Can Men End Sexual Violence? On Men and Masculinity

Overwhelming evidence indicates that the majority of rape and sexual assaults are perpetrated by men against women, and by men against men. However, not all men are perpetrators! In fact, the majority of men have never raped or sexually assaulted anyone. Even so, sexual violence against women has become an epidemic which has led to …

Can Men End Sexual Violence? On Men and Masculinity Read More »

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