

5 Ways to Prevent Harmful Sexual Behaviors in Youth

Here are the five things to do and additional text from ATSA: Each child and adolescent is a unique individual Children and adolescents who engage in harmful sexual behaviors have different motivations, risks, and protective factors as they face different risks, they have different histories, and therefore their need for support systems will be different.  …

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7 Ways To Reduce Stigma About Mental Illness

If you listen to any conversation about mental health, mental illness and addiction, it won’t be long until the term “stigma” comes up. Stigma has many definitions, but ultimately, they refer to negative attitudes, beliefs, descriptions, language or behavior. In other words, it means disrespectful, unfair or discriminatory patterns in how we think, feel, talk …

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How Do You Cope When Sexual Assault Dominates The News Cycle?

It happens the same way every single time, whether it’s Bill Cosby, Woody Allen, Donald Trump and now Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Jeffery Tambor, Matt Lauer, etc:  A victim, usually a woman, will come forward with accusations of sexual assault, and then many others will come forward and suddenly sexual assault dominates the 24-hour news cycle and …

How Do You Cope When Sexual Assault Dominates The News Cycle? Read More »

How Neuroscience Can Help Explain The Irregularities In A Survivor’s Story

Why are victims of sexual assault so often not believed? A large percentage of the disbelief may be linked to the behavioural patterns of victims themselves, which can vary widely from case to case and often include behaviours of which the average police officer or caregiver would be skeptical. To understand these patterns, it is …

How Neuroscience Can Help Explain The Irregularities In A Survivor’s Story Read More »

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