


Self-Harm: What It Means & What Can Help

What is self-harm? Self-harm is a broad term that describes the act of hurting yourself on purpose. It is also known as self-inflicted violence, self-injury, or self-mutilation. Self-harm could include any of the following behaviors: People can also harm themselves by drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drugs (all of which could lead to addiction), eating …

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Anonymous Story: I Was Raped Too.

I was raped too. Still have my PTSD and still suffer from depression. I cut myself to free the pain. And no one understands. “A small gesture can turn somebody’s situation around. Support survivors by ONLY leaving a kind and thoughtful comment.”

Understanding PTSD Flashbacks and How You Can Cope With Them

Flashbacks are memories of past traumas. They may take the form of pictures, sounds, smells, body sensations, feelings, or the lack of them (numbness). It is common for a survivor to experience vivid images of rape or sexual abuse, making you feel as though the event is happening all over again. These vivid images are …

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The Secret To Practicing Self-Care When You Have No Idea Where To Start

Big things can grow from little routine changes. Taking care of yourself isn’t all manicures and “treating yo’self,” don’t cha know? When you break it down, self-care is about ensuring your most basic needs are being met. And that (literally) takes time. Sometimes, looking after your most simple, human needs—the eye-roll inducing, obvious ones—is harder than it seems. …

The Secret To Practicing Self-Care When You Have No Idea Where To Start Read More »

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