
Anonymous Story: This Man Was Truly Evil

Seeing all these stories has led me to want to share mine. My mother was a heavy drinker and a drug addict. She was so depressed and lonely that she would get with any man who wanted her, which led to her meeting my stepdad. I can say without any hesitation that this man was truly evil. He would make my mother drink so if he beat her or me, she would forget it in the morning and think she did it herself. He would shove beer bottlenecks down her throat to make her throw up, and he’d make her eat it off the ground, and she thought all of this was out of love.

He would verbally degrade me, pick me up by my vagina and hold me against the wall, he would spit on me, and anything that was degrading he did to me and my mother. Finally, when I was 15 years old, he finally did what I always thought he would do, he forced himself onto me and raped me. He slammed me onto the floor and hit me with a beer bottle, trying to knock me out, but I managed to stay awake, and I cried as he violated me. I cried and told him to please stop, that I wouldn’t tell anyone if he would stop, and it seemed to last for hours.

Finally, it did stop, and I was left on the floor, crying and bleeding silently. My mother didn’t believe me until she watched the security tapes which caught the whole thing. My step-father was arrested on charges of domestic violence, assault, and rape, I am a survivor of these. Rape does not conform to a gender. Boys and girls can be raped and it doesn’t matter what you wear, this has always affected men and women and this needs to stop. I am a survivor and I will continue to speak until justice is served.

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