
Anonymous Story: The Doctor (1)

It was a cool September morning when the unthinkable happened in the most unexpected place. A lot of people talk about how weeks, days or even hours before an event happens there’s a knowing, a sort of strange premonition that danger lay ahead, but not in my case and rightly so. Because you see, I didn’t go to a place anyone expects this kind of thing to happen, but it did.

Many times, I tell myself that it didn’t happen, but I know it did. I sat across from my family doctor of several years, we talked for a while as we waited for my sister to return with her test result because I wasn’t the sick one this time, I had brought my little sister to see him. He asked about school and as I spoke to him, he walked over to where I sat and took his sit on the table that was between us earlier and began groping and fondling me. He put his hand inside my top and started out fondling my breast.

I remember being confused about what was happening in that moment, I was too shocked to move or even fight back but before he could go further, my sister returned. I just sat there still completely shocked at what happened. You see, if you ask me on a good day what I would do in such a situation i probably would say I’d scream or hit him or sue but I was there shocked and mute as a church rat. He assaulted my body that afternoon. As we left, I promised myself never to see him again and for days after that afternoon I had nightmares, but I was comforted by my decision…. as we know, life never goes as planned.

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