
Anonymous Story: It Was Too Late

She went clubbing with her girls but she wasn’t feeling comfortable. She wanted to leave early, so this guy decided to give her a ride and she was eager to leave so she agreed. Halfway through, she noticed he passed a different route. She became scared. She told him to drop her. So he parked the car but she didn’t know where she was then. He packed the car and central locked the doors. He faced her and beat the shit out of her. She almost lost consciousness. Then he tore her clothes and raped her. He continued hitting her every time she tried to struggle. At some point he asked if she was enjoying it. When she hesitated to reply, the beating resumed. She had to begin telling him that she was enjoying it–amidst the kind of tears that no words can explain

When he climaxed, he started the car again, drove off and pushed her out. She was lucky she didn’t get run over by oncoming cars. Strangers rescued her– but in more ways than one, it was too late. She got pregnant for him. He gave her STD too. It was her first time being intimate with anyone. From there, so many things went downhill. Depression slipped in. PTSD too. She would jerk awake in the middle of many a night from the incessant nightmares. It isn’t any nightmare– it is the scene from the rape replaying itself again and again. She can hardly sleep without sleeping pills. Two days ago, she reached out to me, at around two in the night. The nightmare had struck again. I tried to pet her. To let her know I feel for her. But she asked me a question.

‘The guy that raped me, so he’d be asleep with his family and kids somewhere…’

…I wish I could find him…

The truth is, the guy ruined her life. She miscarried the baby, but her life has not been the same ever since. This is not fiction. If you are ever tempted to rape someone, remember that you may eventually be the reason why that young woman would eventually commit suicide. 

“A small gesture can turn somebody’s situation around. Support survivors by ONLY leaving a kind and thoughtful comment.”

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