
Anonymous Story: I Will Never Forget The Pain

This is the story of my abuse. It was a normal day. I woke up and rushed into the kitchen and ate my breakfast. It was just a normal breakfast cereal and fruit. I was 10 at the time so I didn’t have a very fancy breakfast. The day progressed. I went to get ready. I wore my cloths, then I brushed my teeth. I got on the bus. Again, totally normal. I thought it was going to be like any other day. So, I got to school, around the third period… it was time for the play.

There was a class play that we had to do that day and our parents and other classes would be watching. There was a special handicapped bathroom that was not like the normal stalls, it was in a whole separate room than the regular restroom. So, there was this popular student and he just kept staring at me. I thought it was kind of weird and it made me uncomfortable, but I didn’t think of it much. My teacher would call people one at a time to make sure there wasn’t a huge line for the handicapped stall. It got to my turn and she called my name and I got up. But just as I started to get up that popular kid started to raise his hand. He asked my teacher if he could just use the regular restroom. She grunted and said yes. We both walked out of the door at the same time.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and shoved me into the handicapped room. He locked the door behind him, he was older than me.  I asked him, “what do you want?” And he was just glaring at me. I told him to let me go or I would tell somebody that he locked me in the room. He finally gave me an answer. I still remember those chilling words. “You are not coming out of here until I have gotten what I wanted”. I was so confused I wanted to get out of there in an instant. Then he said, “I was checking you out earlier, you look amazing.” WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!, I exclaimed. He started backing me up against the wall. I knew what he was doing. He was not just playing a game. He started tugging at my shirt. I kept shouting no and kept pushing him away.

Then he threw me to the ground and started undressing me. I kept telling him no and kept hitting him, but my small hands barely made any impact. Then I was fully naked. I tried to run out of the bathroom, but he wrapped his hands around my breasts and started pulling me back. Then he started touching me some more on my chest private parts and ‘down there’. I was so scared he kept telling me you will let me do this to you if I do it again. I didn’t respond he said that I will. I was so scared. He said now you can go. I immediately started pulling my clothes back on. He said that if I told anyone about it he would just do it more. I finally left the bathroom.

Apparently, we missed the play and our teacher just skipped us. I couldn’t think that day. I still had two remaining subjects, so I had to work some more. I was a star student, but that day I didn’t get anything right. My teacher said that I was anxious, jittery and not working like I usually was. She asked are you ok, and I said yes. That was the last time he went that extreme. But sometimes on free period he pulls me behind a tree and starts touching me, or when I am walking down a hallway, and no one is there he will touch me. I still have never reported it even though it has been a couple of months. I will remain anonymous and touched by the hands of an assaulter.

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