
Anonymous Story: I Thought It Was Only Me

People think that rape is only peculiar to men when it comes to being sexual predators but that’s a fallacy. I remember back then in boarding school, there was a particular night we were having random discussions because it was lights out and I spoke about how one of my aunties would always play with my penis after bathing me until I had an erection, and do certain things with me until I got tired and started crying, that was when my roommates started opening up about having the same experiences with their aunties, house helps, etc. until then, I thought it was only me. It was a sweet experience, though, but after a while, it would get bitter. Although I didn’t have any sperm, I would feel a sweet sensation at a point, and then after that it’d become torture and she wouldn’t stop until I started crying or struggling.

I don’t think it’s a matter of men being evil sexual predators. I just think it’s a matter of humans having desires and taking advantage of situations. A lot of men have been molested and taken advantage of even presently but it’s just irritating for a man to talk about it. Women think it’s pride but It’s not a matter of pride, it’s just irritating to talk about and it doesn’t make us feel better when we talk about it. I’m very irritated right now. I’m bringing this up because of your broadcast and a lot of posts on social media always try to paint men black with this kind of topic, we have our own experiences but still stay strong and don’t let it affect our lifestyle, although, when heartbroken we give excuses for becoming chronic players, but so do a lot of ladies give excuses for becoming prostitutes, runs girls or even fake feminist with so much hatred because they were molested.

We just have to take a major lesson, all humans are capable of good and evil, we just have to try to influence more good in our journey in society. Just like bishop Michael Curry preached at the royal wedding, all we need is love. Love will bring in good leaders who will care about security and the welfare of the people and show good examples. Love will help the hurt become healed again. Love will weaken the evil mind in humans. Love will make us treat each other with respect. Love is the greatest, love is the solution.

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