
Anonymous Story: I Blacked Out

There was this guy who was on my school’s speech and debate team that my mom was the coach of. My mom told me to stay away from him because he wasn’t a good person, but that only made me want to talk to him more. So, we texted and he walked me to my last hour every day and I was completely smitten. I felt adventurous by talking to him because it was the first secret I had held from my parents. After about two weeks of talking, my friends told me that he really isn’t good for me and that they were worried. I kind of came to my senses and I tried cutting off this guy 3 different times but he would always guilt me into still talking with him. He was so insanely manipulative I didn’t even recognize it.

One night, I was going to my best friend’s house to have a movie night and the boy (let’s call him Chase) said “hey I’m at your neighbourhood park hanging out with some other friends if you want to stop and say hi” so I went because it was on my way and I knew he couldn’t really do anything if other people were there and it was in a place I knew like the back of my hand. I got there and Chase got out of his friend’s car (who was also my friend) and got into mine. I could tell he had been drinking so I made him sit in the back. (I drove a minivan) and I was asking him where our friend went and he said it didn’t matter. I called our friend and she didn’t answer. Then Chase grabbed my phone and threw it in the trunk so I crawled in the back to get it. I thought he was just an annoying drunk so I didn’t think much of it.

Then he got on top of me and pinned me to the chair and started pouring his drink in my mouth. I didn’t know what to do so I just swallowed it. He was so much stronger than me and I had bruises on my arm from being pinned. I was just sitting there saying, no stop, what are you doing, and then I blacked out. Next thing I know, I am naked in my car and he is in the car with our mutual friend. I then facetimed my best friend and asked her to pick me up. So, she and my other friend take me to her house and put me in the shower and asked what happened. To this day I am terrified of my neighbourhood park, driving alone at night and I can’t go places by myself anymore. Chase used to whistle at me to get my attention and now I go into sheer panic when I hear whistling or if I see a green car which is just like the one our mutual friend drove.

I am mostly telling you this because I want my story to get out and because I want to show others that you need to have a good support system like the friends that picked me up. I had to continue to go to school with Chase for a full year because they couldn’t do anything since we didn’t have classes together and it didn’t happen on school property. Long story short, you can still suffer without being fully raped and we need to take sexual assault more seriously and help those affected in school settings without punishment. No, I didn’t report it, since my mom was his teacher, I was afraid that something might happen to her position. I am also really afraid of getting in trouble so I didn’t tell my parents until I opened up to my pastor and she made me tell them. My parents didn’t really know how to respond so I was grounded for 2 weeks for not going where I said I was going and for drinking.

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