
Anonymous Story: He Threatened To Kill Me

I’m not so good at telling stories and I have never told anyone this in my life. It started with my dad’s driver touching me, he would call me into his room, give me gifts, and get me stuff on his way to pick me from school. I never knew he had another plan. One day, he called me to his room telling me how much he likes me. I was in primary school, so you can imagine a man who has kids, 4 boys and 1 girl, telling me that he likes me. I told him OK with smiles on my face. He started touching my nipples and telling me that soon I would grow into a woman and how he couldn’t wait for that, he was touching me, sucking my nipples. I struggled to let go but he continued, I started begging him to stop, that I didn’t like it, crying. He said I should relax, it was my first time. When he finished, he warned me never to tell anybody else he would kill me.

That was how he started molesting me. Whenever he picks me up from school and brings me back home, he must touch me, then one day he tries touching my vagina. He inserted his finger but it couldn’t enter. He told me that he needed to be doing it often for it to expand so that he could enjoy me very well. Every single day he picked me from school, he must touch me. Every day. It continued until I entered secondary school. I told my parents that I wanted to stay in the hostel but they refused, if only they knew. Each time he finished touching me, he would warn me that he would kill me or kill my dad if I ever opened my mouth to tell anybody. So, out of fear and everything I kept shut. 

Then one day, he touched my vagina and said he wants me to start enjoying it very well. That was how he started raping me. At the age of 11 when I entered secondary school, he entered me every day he brought me back from school. Any day I tried to struggle or tell him to please stop, he would hit me and remind me of how he would kill me. So, all I did was endure till I entered JSS 2. I told my parents that I now wanted to stay in the hostel. They moved me into the hostel. During the holiday period I would go visit my relatives. I did this just to avoid seeing him.

Yes. In my primary five. I was 9 years old. He stopped working for us the same year that I entered JSS 2 but I went through hell. If I stay alone, I would be crying, I didn’t associate with friends then and I had low self esteem. I was so quiet. The only place I found comfort was in books. I love books.

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