
Anonymous Story: Brainwashed and Manipulated

I am a single father of this 5-year-old. On June 6th my son woke up screaming from a nightmare, I ran to the room where my son was sleeping at 3:30 in the morning and asked him what was wrong, crying profusely he told me that his butt hurts, I looked at his butt and I thought that there may have been something abnormal. I then asked my son what happened and he said, “Am I in trouble, Daddy?” I said no what is wrong, what happened did someone touch you, he said yes. Someone who works in the after-school department through the YMCA.

At this point, I started recording the conversation between me and my son as he told me in detail every horrific thing that this man did to him and possibly other children from inserting his finger in his rectum to showing him his penis and asking my son to touch his penis. I took my son to Metropolitan Hospital, and they told me that they cannot do a rape kit on him because it was not done in the past 24 to 48 hours so I called the police to make a report and two officers responded, who then took me to the SVU unit.

A detective spoke to me, as well as my son, and they had my son speak to a child advocate. My son was still in shock and did not open up to them as he did me, I found out from my son that this had been going on for several months and he did not open up to me right away because he thought he was in trouble, I  said to the detective as well as the therapist at safe Horizon that my son may not open up to them because he does not know them and he has been traumatized, he has lost trust in adults. Don’t expect him to tell you everything that he told me because it took him months before he even told me. This man had my son brainwashed and manipulated so that he would get into trouble.

On June 6th after I made these allegations against him, they removed him from the school. They did not notify any other parents that this incident took place and that their children might have fallen victim to this man. I spoke with the school principal and vice principal who informed me that the school was doing their investigation. I just find it hard to do an investigation when you do not notify other parents of the incident, just because you removed said individual from the school does not equate to an investigation being done.  My son also stated that on one occasion his teacher walked in and caught this man on my son and told him to get off of him, my son has no reason to lie about his teacher whom he says he loves very much but he told me that she saw this man on top of him and told him to stop.

I then questioned why the teacher did not report this to me when it first happened or why did she not report it to the school when it first happened and if she did, why didn’t the school officials report it to me or the police and have him removed then and there. A friend of mine heard of my story and posted it on Facebook trying to Garner up other parents only to find out that this teacher was involved in another incident where she slapped a student and they swept it under the rug. I am reaching out now for some kind of help to bring Justice to my son. I was told by the detective that they could not go by my son’s story at this point because they could not put a five-year-old on the stand. I have recordings from my son telling me what happened and they are not willing to listen to it.

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