
Anonymous Story: Abused By Aunt

The memory came in flashes, and I couldn’t explain, probably because I wanted the image bleak. All I knew was my aunty will ask my elder sister and I to lick her vagina. I remember looking at the white stuff in it and asking her, “what’s this?” Gradually, I realized that we had been molested as children and we were barely 6 & 7.

We had been introduced to lesbianism that early. Having experienced that, I later experimented with my younger sister and became more disgusted and shattered. I was angry at my aunt. I was angry at my sister. I was angry at my unsuspecting mum but most importantly, I was angry at myself. Little did I know that this was the beginning of a long journey, the basis of the depression I fell into and the beginning of many more molestations to come.

I however, learnt that you can’t take responsibility for someone’s selfishness, wickedness and myopia. Getting raped/molested CAN AND WILL NEVER BE YOUR FAULT! Hence, you can’t deprive yourself of the whole feast of life ahead of you. You only owe him/her one thing. The only thing you owe him/her is REVENGE! And the BEST revenge is fighting for the life you have, everything you hold dear, and everything these years have deprived you of. Death is not revenge but an acceptance of defeat. I AM THE 3-time survivor.

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